About Us

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The People Behind The Mission

Passionate, mission-driven, and with various backgrounds - from private equity and entrepreneurship to finance and data.
Alex Wildhaber
Alex Wildhaber
Transaction Management
Claudia Habichler
Claudia Habichler
Finance and Admin
Ewald Reichenborn
Ewald Reichenborn
Transaction Management
Jonas Hartmann
Jonas Hartmann
Investment Management
Marc Preusche
Marc Preusche
Founding Partner
Marc van den Berg
Marc van den Berg
Transaction Management
Philipp Hofstetter
Philipp Hofstetter
Founding Partner
Philippe Gebhardt
Philippe Gebhardt
Investment Management
Sandro De Luca
Sandro De Luca
Founding & Managing Partner

Key areas

“Our mission is to accelerate net-zero by empowering entrepreneurs.”

What makes us special?

nothing but...

We are passionate about solving the climate disaster - with you, together. And we bring you together with other people that are just as passionate, in the blue8|ClimateClub.

Passionate - like you

As an operational investor, we offer more than just money, we help you scale your impact - with data, sales, marketing, logistics, tech, people. We get our hands dirty.

More than money

Given the common goal, and the ultimate outcome being a better planet, we focus on people, not on the financials alone. It is actually quite fun to work with us (we heard…).

People-focussed and mission-driven

Industry Partners

Industry Partners are our key supporters, our inner circle of the network, and one of
the most important parts of our value creation towards the portfolio.
They help us with deal flow, help the portfolio through expertise
and interim management, they are co-investors, and they are board members.

They comprise:

People in leadership positions, from startups, SMBs, and corporates – managers and intrapreneurs.

Experts such as consultants
and freelancers.

Investors themselves.

Current and former entrepreneurs.

If you want to become an industry partners contact us.